
Test Post

Hello world Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, c onsectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vitae placerat mauris. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras id orci nec ex maximus aliquam. Sed imperdiet odio tincidunt feugiat porta. Nunc dapibus, dui in consequat viverra, mi urna placerat eros, in auctor urna tellus sit amet augue. In gravida vel elit sed accumsan. In vel massa eget dolor congue ornare sed ac arcu. Quisque porttitor laoreet ex in fermentum. Sed ullamcorper condimentum ipsum, in interdum nulla egestas eget. Curabitur scelerisque urna ut quam euismod, ac sollicitudin risus mattis. Morbi at sapien dapibus, scelerisque nisl eu, faucibus tortor. Proin accumsan volutpat blandit. Proin accumsan, orci eu consectetur tempor, ipsum justo blandit neque, accumsan efficitur eros ex id neque. Nulla facilisi. Fusce vitae libero mi. Nam vel ipsum dapibus, accumsan lorem id, vulputate ante. Nulla maximus, nunc vitae bibendum mattis, felis tellus ultricies dui, eget malesuada dolor ...

Church of Choppers is Racing!

This is after the race in Vegas last weekend. I wish I was there.

SPIT is out!

Go here: These are Michiganders who live it. Trust me, I used to live there. Fun before cliques. Real freedom is dropping the period correct bs and doing what YOU want. Here they are, the SPIT wads.

King of Lowbrow has a book.

Start with fundamentals.

Live it.

Love it. Not really a bikerider, but not biker shit either. I also like those dudes who trick out Road Kings with apes, stereo's and play gangsta wrap really really loud and look pissed. I think many of those dudes break stereotypes too.


Yeah! Wow! Too bad I'm not living in Michigan anymore. Grand Rapids my old town was rad, and it looks like Detroit has some cool bikeriders there too! Fuck yes. Go Blood Falcons go! This blog is cooo. Live it.

Functional and Personal

VIMBY - Tom Foster Yeah. I don't care what they did back then, but I kind of like seeing stuff like Tom's bikes now. I like bikes with good parts. I like builders who fall back to their tastes, not brands or has-been style. Bikes that go, that hold, that are contemporary and with respect to heritage rule it. Heritage without chaps, dreamcatchers, leather and cheap tin. Doing it with soul is the trick. Yeah.